Hello everybody, we are group Eurocascales 1 from IES Francisco Cascales (Murcia) and we are involved in the European project Euroscola, we have uploaded many videos, questionnaires, surveys and power points about Europe.
Take a look at them and leave a comment,we hope you like it!!



If we´re all together
We'll have the strenght to fight.
We're 28 countries and we're under the the same sky

If we work together
We can be fine forever

No matter how far we are
We are together for the flag's stars

We are one
In 28 ways
And here we are
To make something great

We are different but the same.
We are here together
We know what to do
Everyday working
to make us stronger.
Keep together

We are one
In 28 ways
And here we are
To make something great



We have reached  to the end of  our project: `Europe today and tomorrow´. We started with the illusion of joining a competition and we  have finished with the satisfaction of having  worked on something more than a contest ,since we are now more identified with the fact that we are European citizens and Europe offers  a lot of things that we didn’t know so far. However many others can be done in the future to improve this new born Community.

When the teacher told us about participating in Euroscola, we were all very pleased with the idea, but a bit lost. So we first watched Euroscola comics and had a starting point. Then we decided to begin by learning the essential information about the European community: the countries. So we prepared power points about all the country members and obviously we learnt important facts about our neighbour countries. Next step was spreading this information which even though appears to be basic most students don’t know. So we did posters with this information to exhibit in the school.
And encourage our school mates to see it.

Now that we knew more about our neighbours, we thought about looking into what other people knew and if they were aware of being European citizens. So we conducted a survey in the streets of Murcia and eventually concluded that some aspects of Europe aren’t well known yet, but the current facts were comprehended. The conclusion we reached was that we have to go on working on mentally preparing people about our identity as European.

Eventually, as we love music we think music is an effective way of communicating ideas and feelings .So we composed a song which reflected what we have learned and how we feel now .We intend to sing it on the 9 May in the school when we celebrate this day with different activities and in the stand which Europe Direct is going to have in the centre of Murcia.

 Another important step has been the visit to the Europe Direct offices in Murcia. We met the  General Director of the European Union  and  the Information manager of Europe Direct in Murcia, who gave us a lecture about the origins of Europe, some  essential data about the institutions and most important, what Europe does and offers. We could see how involved they were and they transmitted us this feeling. They also gave us interesting information about where to find on the Internet any issue of Europe.

To sum up  we   can conclude that this has been a really positive experience, learning facts  working  together, improving our skills with technology and our English ,but above all being aware that we belong to large community with no borders to move as citizens. Yet  we still have a lot to discover.